▲Written in the Sky ▲

It's been far too long since I last posted; tis a shame indeed.
School has been all-consuming as to my life,  thus significantly reducing my interaction with the various social medias that I adore, namely: Instagram and Blogspot. However, the other evening I spent some lovely quality time with a dear friend of mine. We decided to spontaneously take photos in a dark graveyard, playing with slow shutter speeds to write encouraging words in the sky.
Here are some of the photos that were produced that darling evening by my sweet friend and I:
The very first attempt... Not quite so successful, but still beautiful. SOOC
"Be in LOVE with your life. Every minute of it." -Jack Kerouae

Even though this was cut off, this is still my favourite image from the evening. 
"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words,
and never stops at all." -Emily Dickinson
Love. Love. Love.
 Hope life is grand as you are! After finals, there are many things I will (finally) have time to post about... So be on the look out, my little sunshines! ☼
xo, rosalynne