P R O J E C T 365

Hello darlings!

I originally started a Project 365 in the beginning of December, but I decided that while I  am still early in the game I will actually be starting over and on January 01, 2013 ~ with Elise over at a Beautiful Mess. With new inspiration and a gusto to try and grow as an artist, I am excited to start on this adventure! This is my first official one, so I am going to keep it a 365 "The Life Around Me" (la vie autour de moi) theme. It's all about whatever you enjoy the most in life and want to discover a little deeper.

P.S. You should join me in this 365 challenge, friends! If you aren't sure about what a 365 is or if you simply want to know more about it ~ Photojojo can help you out! So darling, here we go! ☼