▲▲▲ Day Seven: Beach Day ▲▲▲

Today was another day I was really excited about – the beach! But more so than that, I was excited to see some friends that I grew up with in California for the first time in probably about eight years! The icing on the cake was that Daniel was able to meet (and vice-versa) the people that were near and dear to me all those years in California (and still are) and he was able to have a sort-of glimpse into my childhood. I know that we both enjoyed it! As with any beach day, we spent it in complete relaxation. We were in and out of the water, did plenty of talking and walking around and just really chilled. We even had a fire pit! It was just positively a marvelous day. As with probably all of my posts from now on, photos are the best description of this adventure.

Beach Day Fun!

The beautiful Whitney! :)
Love my dearest Whitney! :)

My girl Stephanie :)

Jumping with my ladies :)
The boys tried to jump... Not as successful but still quite adorable :)

After the beach, we went to In-N-Out so Daniel could try it for the first time! :) 

What a cutie patootie!

Unhealthy amazingness!!!! :)