Today we had the pleasure of visiting my delightful grandmother and grandfather! My grandmother has always been my treasure and my heart is filled with love because of her (it's our little saying). I suppose by worldly standards, I couldn't say we did much today. However, today was easily one of my favorite days from the whole trip - because we all just sat around and talked. Not blabbering about, but good ole fashion, genuine heart-to-heart conversations on life. We ate good food/meals and really just enjoyed the simple company of one another. I think that's something that is often lost in our world today - where people have a hard time just being in one place with just people and not letting their phones or other electronics help occupy the time. I think that's another reason I love visiting my grandparents home so much - it feels genuine and I don't feel like I need my electronics to "survive." Anyways, ending that rant... Grandparents house was an absolute delight! They were so thoroughly impressed with Daniel, which of course just made my heart glow and make me fall in love with him even more. Of course, Daniel fell in love with my grandparents, too, as it would be far too hard not to! They are such incredible people who have lived such a thorough life... My mum always says that my grandma has more common sense in her pinky finger than most people will have in their entire life - and it's true!
Me and my darling grandparents whom I love with all my heart :) |
Daniel and my grandparents - three of my favorite people in the world! |
My grandma is easily one of my heros - she has lived more life and been through more difficult things than anybody I know... and yet she carries herself so strongly. She is not an angry or violent person because of past things that have happened, and instead of blaming God for "why this" or "why me" she thanks Him for the life she lives and all the blessings that surround her. My grandfather is one of those soft souls. He is genuine and tender-hearted. My grandmother calls him her "Mr. Wonderful" and whenever he is being rotten, he is "Mr. Bumbles." Why I mention his "rotten" nickname, it is to say that no marriage is perfect... We all fall short and make mistakes, even in our relationships. However, the way they stick up for one another and love each other despite a fault or a mistake... My grandma shared so much wisdom with me on how to fight in a healthy way, how to forgive unconditionally, and how to let God have control as He is stronger than everything else. I just love the way my grandmother talks about my grandfather, as their story reminds me a lot of mine and Daniel's story. The way my grandfather cares for my grandmother is how I feel about Daniel and the way he cares for me - in a way that is so strong and so pure that no matter what, the love is always there.
Both my grandma and my grandpa are absolute goobers. Wise, beautiful, incredible goobers. I always know that I am in for a smile and heart warming whenever I am around them. Right now my grandfather has cancer and he is doing his best to beat it. While I was there they received really great news, which gave the both of them hope for the future. My grandmother has had a hard time seeing her prince charming struggle with cancer, and not knowing which direction the cancer will lead (victory on earth, or defeat on earth but rejoice in heaven). My grandmother also had to recently put her dad in a nursing home... and I know that has been really hard on her heart lately. I cannot imagine! I am a worrier, and I always worry about the "what ifs" like what if Daniel dies, or my parents get sick, or my siblings or best friends... But I realize I cannot worry about these things and I need to simply give it to the Lord. I know my grandmother has been doing this (and my grandpa too) but if you wouldn't mind lifting them in prayer, that would mean a lot, too. I love both of these people so much, and they are both my heroes and role models... Both for myself and my relationship with my precious husband. My selfish heart isn't ready for them to leave this world yet... But I know that no matter what happens, we always have heaven.
Well, this post was more personal than I thought it would be... I suppose that's how it goes sometimes. My grandparents mean the
world to me, so I suppose it is hard not to get emotional about it. This road trip started because I wanted to visit my grandparents this summer, but flights were just too expensive... I'm really thankful that we were able to road trip and see all the people and the sights that we were able to see.
God is soooo good,
all the time.
All the time, our God is SO