▲▲▲ Day Eleven: Driving // Jelly Belly ▲▲▲

This morning we woke up from the most wonderful nights sleep at my aunt Pam's house. She treated us to a fancy breakfast place in downtown Richmond. We shared good conversations and delicious food. 

My beautiful heart shaped mocha :)
After that we drove up to where my father went to seminary! That was a neat experience to see where my father went to school (near UC Berkeley). It was a small school, but beautiful as it was on top of the mountain and overlooked San Fran and the entire bay area. It was just so strange to be in a place my father lived and learned when he was my age (I won't make him sound old, but this was quite awhile ago). Anywho, it was lovely. Shortly after that, we were on our way to our next destination. 

My lovely aunt pam! 
Right before we left the Bay Area, we found out that Jelly Belly was literally right off the interstate! Daniel had never been, so of course we simply had to stop by! We didn't get to go on the tour as the line was over a two hour wait (thanks to multiple schools/daycares deciding today was THE day to go on tour) but we did have fun eating random jelly beans, taking pictures by the fun signs, and exploring what they were about. Daniel even ate a "pencil shavings" jelly belly! Grooooooss. But he was adorable doing so. He enjoyed our little visit and it was definitely a lovely little detour!

After Jelly Belly, we finished our drive up to Auburn, California. 
This is probably my favorite place in the United States, perhaps aside from the beach, as it feels like home to me. Many people do not understand that Northern California is almost the opposite of southern california, as there are many plains, ranches and it feels kind of like you are living out in the country - but you are close to a love of major things (Sacramento, San Fran and other larger cities). When we arrived at my aunts house, she and her husband were still at work, but we were okay with that as it gave us a reason to crash and take a nap. Even though we have been blessed to sleep in a nice bed every night, traveling does take a toll on you and you find that you need a bit more sleep than you might normally. Perhaps because our days our fuller and better spent, but either way, taking a nap for an hour or two might as well just be a glass of heaven on earth :) Later in the afternoon, my aunt and her husband cooked us a delightful BBQ meal! Tons of veggies and organic goodness, and my cousin even joined us! We all ate together and had a lovely time together, just enjoying simple time together.
It was a positively lovely evening! :)