
Today I started a 60 day letter writing challenge!
The purpose, for me anyways, is to make something that I love a daily habit! Writing is one of my favorite things, along with encouraging others, so writing a letter is the perfect combination of both! I find that often I let life get in the way of doing the little things that I love, so this is the perfect way to guarantee people around me get love letters, along with doing something I love daily. I'll write updates on here now and again, but you can also follow the hashtag #60daysofletterwriting on my Instagram. The challenge was started by Fawnsberg on their blog, and it's an absolutely wonderful idea! Fawnsberg also has some adorable stationary and stamps, so they are worth checking out! Here are a few of my favorite things, here here here here here.

Also, on their blog I came across More Love Letters and I love it! I just found the company but am already smitten by what they stand for. Basically, a darling lady decided to start writing notes to strangers... Leaving them in public places, holding within them words of encouragement and uplifting thoughts. Long story short, she was pended with so many requests for love letters, that she started a business! You can submit your own requests, or be challenged to write strangers in your area. I love the whole aspect of it, and I am definitely including this idea in my 60 day letter writing challenge!

If you want a (love) letter, or have any ideas for creative places to leave my love letters, please just comment below!

xx, Rosalynne