Fresh Face February

Hello friends!

So - February starts next week and I am participating in a renewing challenge called "Fresh Faced February."

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, 
such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 
Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, 
which is of great worth in God’s sight."
1 Peter 3:3-4

What is "Fresh Face February" ?
It's a simple idea. For the entire month of February you go without wearing any makeup.

Just go natural! My friend Quincie came up with the idea/challenge and I love it! The purpose is to rejuvenate our focus, to realize how much of our identity in our appearance. I know personally that I have been wearing makeup for 10 years, and it wasn't until this past summer that I started going in public without makeup. It was difficult! I realized that I only thought I was "beautiful" when I had makeup on, and I did not like what I looked like without any makeup on. Despite this start, I still do not have the confidence to not wear makeup - wear my "fresh face" - on a more regular basis. It's sad to think that as a woman of God, I would discredit how He made me. He didn't create me with the intentions to wear makeup to cover up all my "imperfections" but instead, to let the beauty of my heart shine through your face. So I want to embrace that. So no makeup for 28 days.

So I ask that you join this challenge with me! I created the hashtag #februaryfresh. Tag any photos you take and be confident in yourself! Know that our outward appearance is but just a small glimpse of the beauty of who we are.

Here is to humbling ourselves and finding our identity in Christ alone!

"Beauty is not in the face;
beauty is a light in the heart."
Kahlil Gibran

"But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him."
Jeremiah 17:7

"Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10

New Years Resolutions

I know what you must be thinking... It's three weeks into the New Year, and I am just not posting about New Years Resolutions. However, I have a thought for you: how many times do we post resolutions on the first day of the year, and never keep them past a week (or few - at most)? I decided this year I wanted to make resolutions that I would keep, and I did not want them to be something that society forces to start on a "new beginning." I think every morning you wake up, you're given the gift of life & the endless possibilities to make that day your adventure.

So here are a few resolutions I have for this year, or at least, for now:

What are your resolutions this year?


Today I started a 60 day letter writing challenge!
The purpose, for me anyways, is to make something that I love a daily habit! Writing is one of my favorite things, along with encouraging others, so writing a letter is the perfect combination of both! I find that often I let life get in the way of doing the little things that I love, so this is the perfect way to guarantee people around me get love letters, along with doing something I love daily. I'll write updates on here now and again, but you can also follow the hashtag #60daysofletterwriting on my Instagram. The challenge was started by Fawnsberg on their blog, and it's an absolutely wonderful idea! Fawnsberg also has some adorable stationary and stamps, so they are worth checking out! Here are a few of my favorite things, here here here here here.

Also, on their blog I came across More Love Letters and I love it! I just found the company but am already smitten by what they stand for. Basically, a darling lady decided to start writing notes to strangers... Leaving them in public places, holding within them words of encouragement and uplifting thoughts. Long story short, she was pended with so many requests for love letters, that she started a business! You can submit your own requests, or be challenged to write strangers in your area. I love the whole aspect of it, and I am definitely including this idea in my 60 day letter writing challenge!

If you want a (love) letter, or have any ideas for creative places to leave my love letters, please just comment below!

xx, Rosalynne

▲▲▲ Day Seventeen: Seattle, Washington ▲▲▲

This morning Daniel and I slept in (delightful) and said goodbye to several of my cousins who were heading home (back to Canada). Then we were off to explore the city of Seattle! Our first stop was the well-known Pike’s Place Market. This place is extremely hyped up, and for good reason! It was probably one of my favorite places that we have stopped at so far, and it seriously made me consider moving to Seattle later on in life – who knows! As a side note, there is a lot more to Seattle that Daniel and I both really loved, but just the atmosphere of Pike’s Place and Seattle has to offer – being a city without having so much chaos… It was lovely. I loved all the vendors and what they had to offer (lavender honey!) and we also found a street artists whose music I just fell in love with!

Pike Place Market

A wonderful street artist we found and loved - Gregory Paul :)

Lavender (loveee)

Yes, there was a random parrott on the newspaper stand. 

Our day was so wonderful! We tried meeting up with several friends that live in Seattle now, but unfortunately nothing seemed to work out -- next time! We made the track back to Vancouver, WA and had a charming evening eating pizza and spending time with family. Lovely.